Dermatology Services for Pets

Keep your pet happy by maintaining their skin, fur, and coat.

It is crucial to protect your pet's skin as it is their most exposed organ. There are many issues that your pet can develop and the first step to protecting them is being aware. At our hospital, we believe that with more information you can limit your pet's exposure and be able to spot signs of skin problems earlier so that we can treat them.

What is causing my pet to have skin issues?

Your pet's dermatological problems can stem from external irritants or something going on inside their body. To determine the cause, our team will perform physical examinations, blood tests, biopsies and other diagnostic tests. We often find that skin issues are caused by:

  • Parasites
  • Food allergens
  • Hormone disorders
  • Infections
  • Environmental allergens like pollen

What are signs of dermatological issues?

In most cases it is easy to spot skin issues in pets since it's on their physical body. However, the signs can be missed if they are in crevices or places you wouldn't normally look, like behind their ears or between their paws. Here are some signs to look for:

  1. Swollen paws
  2. Bumps and blisters
  3. Puss around their nails
  4. Scratching excessively
  5. Red or inflamed skin
  6. Biting their skin
  7. Dry scaly skin
  8. Lumps and bumps
  9. Smelly fur

Can I treat skin problems at home?

We strongly discourage pet owners from treating their pet's skin problems at home. Even though you mean well you could cause even more problems for your pet. DIY treatments can go two ways either temporarily soothing the problem which will return later or cause your pet's condition to get even worse. A veterinarian needs to examine them to determine what is causing the flare ups then determine what treatment is suitable. Please schedule an appointment with us to provide treatment to your pet. Call us at 905-683-6430.

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