Parasite Control & Prevention

Protecting your pet against internal and external parasites.

Your loyal companion is always exposed to parasites regardless of where they go. These critters aren't just an annoyance, they pose a huge threat to your pet's well-being. To ensure that they are protected, our team has designed a parasite prevention program, and make sure our patients are tested regularly and is on a rigid prevention plan. To learn more about our parasite prevention program, call us at 905-683-6430.

What are signs that my pet has parasites?

In many instances, pets can be asymptomatic when they have a parasitic infection. Signs of the infection may appear after the infection has been present for a long time. With regular veterinary visits and taking note of any changes in your pet you can spot the signs. Here's what you should look for:

  1. Bloated belly
  2. Itching and scratching
  3. Bald patches
  4. Vomiting
  5. Lethargy
  6. Red or swollen skin
  7. Hair loss
  8. Dry persistent cough

How can I protect my pet from parasites?

Parasite control and prevention includes regular testing and taking medication year-round. Our team will ensure that your pet is protected from the parasites that are prevalent in their environment. Your veterinarian will want to know more about your pet's travelling, boarding or interaction with other animals and their overall lifestyle. The medication should be administered monthly and can be in the form of injections, pills or topical creams.

What parasites does the medication protect my pet from?

When your pet takes preventive medication routinely throughout the year they are protected from dangerous parasites like: ear mites, ticks, fleas, coccidia, heartworms, roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms and more. For the medication to be truly effective your pet shouldn't have any late or missed doses.

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